5 Steps to Developing as a Woman Leader in the City

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Are you responsible for developing the women leaders and aspiring leaders in your organisation? Maybe you are a women leader yourself. Perhaps you are an experienced manager or professional seeking leadership but are struggling to progress your career as far or as fast as you would like to. As a result, you do not feel able […]

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Ten Ways To Boost Your Confidence as a Woman Leader

​  “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison I work with some amazing women in the City of London. Many of them are already leaders and others are the leaders of tomorrow. Looking at their CVs they have already achieved great things. However, there is one issue that […]

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How to Avoid “The Tiara Syndrome” and Accelerate Your Career as a Woman

 The Tiara Syndrome is a term coined by Carol Frohlinger and Deborah Kolb, the founders of Negotiating Women, Inc.As Carol Frohlinger says, “Women expect that if they keep doing their job well someone will notice them and place a tiara on their head. That never happens.”Her comment was made particularly in relation to negotiating starting […]

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Gender Equality: Be Bold For Change in the City

Today is International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is #BeBoldforChange.As the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2016 states:“All things held equal, with current trends, the overall global gender gap can be closed in 83 years across the 107 countries covered since the inception of the Report—just within the statistical lifetime of baby […]

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Making Networking Work

“If your business comes from relationships, relationships should be your business.” Doug Ales Networking has been a key part of business life in the City for centuries and continues to be so. People do business with people. The more you “know, like and trust” someone, the more likely you are to do business with them. However, many […]

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Developing the Female Talent Pipeline in the City

Last week I attended the excellent Women in Finance Summit hosted at the Bloomberg European headquarters in London. It was an opportunity to reflect on the current state of play regarding gender equality in the City and to explore how to speed up the rate of change in this crucial area. As Simon Kirby MP, Economic […]

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Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First and Watch Your Career Take Off

As a professional woman, are you very good at looking after everyone else’s needs but less good at caring for yourself? Do you think about your boss, your team and your colleagues before considering your own priorities? At home, are you always focusing on the needs of your children, partner, parents and friends and put […]

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The Role of HR in Developing Women Leaders

The role of HR in developing women leaders is critical but not easy. It has many facets requiring close business partnering and strategic thinking, as well as practical, detailed planning to support individual women in the talent pipeline. Human Resources, Learning and Development and talent professionals are uniquely placed to influence an organisation’s approach to […]

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Developing Women Leaders in the City

Developing Women Leaders in the CityAre you responsible for developing the women leaders and aspiring leaders in your organisation? Maybe you are a women leader yourself. ​Perhaps you are an experienced manager or professional seeking leadership but are struggling to progress your career as far or as fast as you would like to. As a result, […]

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Position Yourself for Opportunity as a Woman Leader

Position Yourself for Opportunity as a Woman LeaderAs we look around the world, it seems that now is a golden moment for women political leaders. From the appointment of Theresa May to be the second women Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Angela Eagle contending the Labour leadership, Nicola Sturgeon leading the SNP in Scotland, […]

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